Clio & Crimen. Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango
<p>Clio & Crimen sirve de cauce de expresión para la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas por especialistas en el ámbito de la historia de la criminalidad (delitos, delincuentes, víctimas...), del control social formal e informal y del sistema penal (administración de justicia, legislación penal, sistema procesal, tipología de las penas...), desde la Antigüedad a la Edad Contemporánea.</p>Centro Historia del Crimen de Durango - UPV/EHUes-ESClio & Crimen. Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango1698-4374Violence and “war crimes” during the Albigensian Crusade
<p>The Albigensian Crusade (1208-1229) is a medieval antiheretical war traditionally associated with brutality and excessive violence that today would be considered war crimes. This contribution analyzes the causes that made this crusade an especially brutal war and the types of violence described by the authors of the narrative sources of this conflict.</p>Martín Alvira Cabrer
Copyright (c) 2024 Martín Alvira Cabrer
2024-12-232024-12-232173910.1387/clio-crimen.27031The legal regulation of the accommodation of the Spanish tercios in the State of Milan in the 16th centurie: an attempt to avoid conflicts with the population
<p>The presence of the Spanish army in the territories of the Spanish Monarchy will cause multiple problems of coexistence in the 16th centurie, producing numerous episodes of confrontations between soldiers of the Spanish <em>tercios</em> and the native population. To avoid these conflicts, military authorities with jurisdiction over soldiers will strictly enforce military ordinances and discipline. When the enemy threats decreased and the Spanish <em>tercios</em> parties began to be disturbed in their accommodation, the population asked them to leave. It will undoubtedly be a very complex “love and hate” relationship that requires deep analysis.</p>Carlos Belloso Martín
Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Belloso Martín
2024-12-232024-12-2321417210.1387/clio-crimen.27032Mars at Home. Violence, Excess and Soldiers' Billeting in Spain: Experiences and Legal Responses during the Reign of Philip IV (1621-1665)
<p>The incessant war, which involved increasing armies, influenced the development of societies and law during the <em>Ancien Régime</em>. The Spanish Monarchy had insufficient infrastructures, and therefore it had to resort to civilians to sustain the armies. Lodging soldiers was one scope of it. A cohabitation that not always was peaceful. This paper adresses the lodgement of soldiers and the tension that came with it, and how it was confront, in the territories of the Crown of Castile during the reign of Phillip IV. </p>Antonio José Rodríguez HernándezImanol Merino Malillos
Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio José Rodríguez Hernández, Imanol Merino Maillos
2024-12-262024-12-26217310110.1387/clio-crimen.27035Between military need and war crime. Looting during the War of the Convention in the Basque Country (1793-1795)
<p>The War of the Convention lasted for two years in which French troops occupied all the basque provinces, conquering Guipuscoa in August 1794 and Biscay and Alava in July 1795, a few days before the signing of the Peace of Basel. During the war, the looting and destruction of towns and villages served to supply the troops with food, as well as to deny resources to the enemy forces, which is why these types of activities were carried out by both French and Spanish troops.</p>Tarek Nejjar Bollain
Copyright (c) 2024 Tarek Nejjar Bollain
2024-12-232024-12-232110311810.1387/clio-crimen.27036Torture and Nature in the Spanish Legal Discourse During the Middle Ages
<p>This paper analyzes the relationship between the concept of <em>nature</em> and the language of Law. On the one hand, I will show how <em>nature</em> worked in the “Roman Law”. On the other hand, taking this functioning, I will try to explain how the use of this juridical concept was readjusted during the Middle Ages. Although the difference in the functioning of the concept of <em>nature</em> in Rome and the Middle Ages is well known, I believe that the key point in my research involves understanding how these institutions and legal concepts functioned within the juridical discourse, rather than emphasizing the extent of their limitations. In summary, I intend to show that there was a linguistic rather than a conceptual adaptation of the concept of <em>nature</em> to discuss the (non-historical) foundation of institutions. To do so, I will take different texts from the classical and post-classical periods and compare them with what is outlined in the <em>Siete Partidas </em>(1256-1284). I will also take up some notions of the Common Law. The preferred element of analysis will be the use of <em>nature</em> within the institute of judicial torture. I hope to achieve a thorough examination of how Roman Law functioned in the very formation of the legal narrative complex during the 13th century.</p>Daniel A. Panateri
Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel A. Panateri
2024-12-232024-12-232111913910.1387/clio-crimen.27037The myth of the poisoner: Approach to the figure of the poisoner woman between the 16th-18th centuries in the peninsular Hispanic Monarchy
<p>The objective of this article is to offer some results of the research carried out through judicial processes kept in the Spanish Archives and from various sources. In this way, a profile of the female poisoner in the Spanish Modern Age will be established through basic aspects that allow us to begin to create an analysis of her motivations, typologies of homicides and types of poison used, with the aim of broadening the vision of women as victimizers at the time.</p>Onintze Domínguez
Copyright (c) 2024 Onintze Domínguez
2024-12-232024-12-232114116310.1387/clio-crimen.27033The success of the inquisitorial repressive system: the autodelación. The case of Pedro Antonio Santandreu
<p>The greatest success of any repressive system is the moment when the subject has interiorized in such a way the imposed values by it, what constitutes a crime or sin, that he turns himself in, prey of his own conscience. In the case of the Inquisition, we found the <em>autodelaciones</em>, voluntary reports of sinners that starts the <em>proceso de fe</em>. To deepen and expand this idea, we will take the process of Pedro Antonio Santandreu, a sailor from Mallorca proccessed by the Valencian court in 1761.</p>Alejandra López Vidal
Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandra López Vidal