Ramírez Escuderoadolfo.ramirezescudero@ehu.esOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Fabrikart. Arte, Tecnología, Industria, Sociedad</em> es una publicación interdisciplinar de carácter anual que aglutina ideas, conceptos e iconografía de los campos industrial, mecanicista, tecnológico y espacial en relación con las Artes Plásticas.</p><p>Fabrikart pretende dar a conocer trabajos de investigación de personalidades relevantes que escriben sobre el denominador común de la revista o sobre el tema monográfico a los que se dedican algunos números, así como a reflejar las publicaciones relevantes más recientes, eventos y noticias que contribuyan al reconocimiento y valoración de la cultura tecnológica e industrial en la sociedad actual.</p><p>Estos escritos pueden constituir la base para un posterior desarrollo de investigaciones específicas y actividades que redunden en beneficio de las artes vinculadas especialmente a los campos tradicionales de la pintura, dibujo y escultura; así como sus interacciones respecto a la arquitectura , la naturaleza y el espacio, la ingeniería en su vertiente creativa del diseño y productiva en otros muchos campos, así como respecto a las connotaciones de carácter filosófico, sociológico, estético y científico que han contribuido a derribar antiguas y caducas fronteras que no tienen sentido alguno en el pensamiento contemporáneo del siglo XXI.</p> Fabrikartveleia@ipar.es2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) of decline. The notion of landscape in the context of a global ecological crisis2016-06-23T15:04:50+02:00José<p>The global ecological crisis in its expression in the territory is generating new types of landscape that are related to the metaphor of the wound, the plunder, the erasure of natural references or the loss of memory and diversity. At the same time they create new aesthetic categories based on the perception of decline and loss of beauty. In order to define the «ethos» of these new types, we firstly reviewed models of landscape plenitude in a particular socio-cultural environment. Finally, the article designates the foundations for a conceptual and physical reconstruction of the landscape, starting from the principles of ecological rebalancing, diversification and sustainability.<em> </em></p><div> </div>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) and the Beast as a Language in Contemporary Art. The Beauty of Hideous: Hickey against Kant2016-06-23T15:05:58+02:00X. Antón Castro Fernándezveleia@ipar.esYolanda Herranz Pascualveleia@ipar.esJesús Pastor<p><span>This work propounds an approach about the new concept of beauty<br /> —seductive and repulsive, affectionate in the morbid harmony existing between what fascinates and what repels us—which has appeared as contemporary art language during the last two decades, especially after the thesis of the North American critics Dave Hickey, the author of a controverted book: <em>The Invisible Dragon: Four Essays on Beauty,</em></span><span>University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993. He opposes Kant's theory of taste and tries to purloin this kind of subversive beauty, adapting it exclusively to the model of North American art and culture. Opposed to his, our thesis is argumentatively exposed throughout a diachronic look at occidental contemporary art and culture, from historic vanguard to the most recent one, in order to enhance that antimonic and contradictory beauty which exists in the basis of all the European art since the myth of <em>Beauty and the Beast</em>.</span> </p><div><span><br /></span></div>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) newness always bound to progress?2016-06-23T15:06:32+02:00Javier<p><span>Newness is usually bound to the hope of a better alternative. Though being uncertain because it is still unknown, there is an enigmatic attraction for newness. History is very much based on a continuous sequence of new tendencies and ideas. These, as time goes by, are systematically superseded by a different new alternative. In a sense, this is the history of the progress.</span></p><p><span>The question is to know to what an extent is always like that</span><span>. </span></p>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c), present and future. Thinking-doing from the archive2016-06-23T15:07:16+02:00Concepción Elorza Ibáñez de<p><span>Especially from the nineties of the twentieth century, working around the paradigm of the archive has acquired special relevance in the art world. The interest in this line of work, for those who are involved in it, is based on a need to reread the images in a nonlinear, non-hierarchical way, within processes of knowledge involved in generating new possible readings, new relationships.</span></p><p><span>This text goes through a very particular group of maniestations that have in common the use of the paradigm of the archive as a starting point, as a space for an inquiry about the present time. It is about the artistic proposals developed by Catarina Simão, Maria Ruido, Sahatsa Jauregui and Elssie Ansareo. </span></p><p><span>All of them, having understood the importance of their necessary impact on the future, assume the collection and/or rereading of images themselves as a strategy. </span> </p>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) The question and answer2016-06-23T15:08:20+02:00Ander Gurrutxaga<p><span>Uncertainty generates the necessity to create responses to the different challenges we encounter in the global and local contexts. The creation of religious, political and economic systems are ways of managing this uncertainty, being security one of the main factors that rule our lives. Uncertainty has not been a strange phenomenon throughout history; it is the usual state in which we live in. To diminish its impact we build symbolic, economic, political, and cultural systems, we establish norms and values, routines and procedures, we use technology and science, we surround and immerse ourselves in the culture of control, and nonetheless we still have to deal with the risks and the doubts of an unknown future, and the lack of control be have over the unpredicted consequences of our actions. </span> </p><div><span><br /></span></div>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) in light of the new socio-environmental challenges. An approach from ecology2016-06-23T15:09:13+02:00Carmen Marín<p>Today's ongoing crisis is forcing us to confront the following dilemma: either continue the prevailing growing politics and thus accept the environmental destruction that ensues or take ecology seriously by limiting growing to sustainability.</p><p>So far, eco-efficiency has proved insufficient to reach sustainability. And ecological thinking has been for decades arguing that it is necessary to stop and dramatically decrease Western growing and wasting, that is to say, to shift today's Western paradigm and live differently. That cultural change should affect all spheres, art included. For art itself can and should contribute to reflect on our position, attitude, role and ethics towards nature and help to understand that humans are part of it.</p><p><span>It is true that since the end of xx century there have been some </span>environmentally friendly art initiatives. However, few of them can be considered radical, committed and decidedly ecological aesthetics. It is necessary to set, from a real ecologically sustainable point of view, the criteria that distinguish one type of art from another ecologically driven. </p>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) enigma of the new programmable time2016-06-23T15:09:49+02:00Agustín Ramos<p>The current temporal dynamics marked rhythms and ways of life in which programming networks are the foundation of a technocratic system that imposes the keys to what we understand as novelty and progress. </p><div> </div>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) places and contexts for sculpture. Intervention trials novel and outstanding riddles for the future2016-06-23T15:10:36+02:00Isusko Vivas<p>The article aims to bring up some of the variables facing the sculpture mostly from public and urban watershed in the broad sense, and that we can identify as enigmas within a required period of redefinition and reflection in their functional and symbolic nature. Beyond the traditional «placement» of sculpture by pseudo-Monumental tactics even as the post-industrial new spaces, the text focuses on highlighting various innovative strategies to some extent have been carried out in the early going of 2000 to 2010 approximately. These proposals are understood to develop, in certain aspects, specific angles of «concept expanded» sculpture enunciated by Krauss and others as well as the idea of «synthesis of the arts», which comes from the avant-garde and resumed after the second half of the twentieth century. </p><div> </div>2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) Fabrikartveleia@ipar.es2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c), libros, revistas, reseñas y exposiciones2016-06-23T15:11:09+02:00Revista Fabrikartveleia@ipar.es2014-07-21T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c)