Journal SystemsAnnual publication launched in the year 2008, associated with the Faculty of Arts and under the direction of the same centre's Dean, Fernando García Murga. This magazine is the vehicle of expression for the collective of professors/lecturers who teach languages, literature and culture from around the world at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In each number interested students and the public in general can find texts written in the native languages of this collective or on issues related to their culture: German, Arab, Catalan, French, Galician, Greek, Japanese, Italian, Irish, Polish, Russian, Swedish and Turkish. This publication therefore aims to promote the cultural and linguistic richness the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) has to offer and to encourage the educational and investigative potential of this collective.ñaki Bazánunmundo@ipar.es2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundoólogo2015-07-22T12:29:46+02:00Iñaki Bazánunmundo@ipar.es2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo, as letras da escuridade. Aproximación á figura de Lois Pereiro2015-07-22T12:29:46+02:00Débora Álvarez<p>The present article is a didactic material designed especially for the topics of Galician literature for students outside Galicia. Its aim is to present the poet Lois Pereiro whom 2011's edition of «Día das Letras Galegas» (The Day of Galician Literature) payed tribute to.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo "Schnupperkurs": Germanistikstudierende konzipieren Deutsch-Workshops an spanischen Schulen – Erfahrungsbericht und Didaktisierungsvorschläge2015-07-22T12:29:47+02:00Julia Bradeunmundo@ipar.esAmaia Condeunmundo@ipar.esSilke<p>Between the years 2010 and 2013 the students of German Philology and Translation Studies enrolled in the course on Methodology of German Teaching – an optional course taught within the previous plan of the university studies – prepare and deliver workshops of German in education centres in Vitoria. The aim of these workshops is, on the one hand, to spread the knowledge about the language and culture of German speaking countries, and to inform the pupils about the educational offer of the Faculty of Arts, on the other.</p><p>The aim of the present article is to demonstrate the utility and profits of such practices to the benefit not only of the university students, but also of the pupils from the host schools. Through the description of the process of designing the workshops then put into practice in the schools, we would like to provide the readers the opportunity to take advantage from our experience.</p><p>This article is offered in a German and a Spanish version.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo canción popular Το δημοτικό τραγούδι2015-07-22T12:29:47+02:00Thiresia<p>The neo-Greek popular song is a collective and traditional creation, which combines the lyrical poetry with music and dance. It is the expression of the soul of the nation that had produced and transmitted it orally. Modern poets have accepted its influence and scholars have appreciated its poetic quality. The origins of the popular song go back to the ancient times. There is a great variety of songs as far as the content is concerned, but generally two broad categories are distinguished: the lyrical songs, which accompany all the manifestations of life; and the narrative songs, which tell a story within their verses. Among the formal characteristics of the popular song we can mention the metric form of decapentasyllabic verse, which is the main verse. Other numerous features of the song provide it with great expressivity and vivacity.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo estudio sobre el carácter de Sancho Panza2015-07-22T12:29:48+02:00Chisako<p>Since the publication of its first part over 400 years ago, «Don Quixote» has been read by a large amount of people all over the world. Sancho Panza is a farm worker who takes part in the masterpiece's main character, Don Quixote's, journey. Focussing on this multiple character, one of the principal reasons why «Don Quixote» is still read today in the 21st century, I would like to reflect over the systematized difference of the characters and to prove Sancho Panza's value as a squire.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo de la epigrafía árabe en el arte románico español Una facete de la cultura árabe – islámica medieval2015-07-22T12:29:49+02:00Ahmed Mahmoud Dokmakunmundo@ipar.esZeinab Shawky<p>In the decorative repertoire of the Middle Ages Arabic epigraphy is displayed as an element new to the Christian West. In the present article we would like to approach the use of Arabic ornamental epigraphy in order to emphasise this aspect of Arabic-Islamic civilisation's influence on the medieval Spanish art.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo representación del colorido nacional en la traducción2015-07-22T12:29:49+02:00Natallia<p>In this article we focus on the analysis of the national colour, shades and nuances that can be found in the literature, as well as the way such national shades are related to the language, and the difficulties they may create in translation. The present analysis of the national shades is based on the poem by José Hernández «Martín Fierro» and its two translations to Russian by G. Kikodze and M. Donskoj.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo correctos de las partículas en japonés: una reseña sobre las partículas de caso2015-07-22T12:29:49+02:00Miki<p>Learning Japanese as an L2 (second language) can be very challenging. The correct use of case is especially hard. This paper aims to classify the uses and functions of Japanese in terms of their linguistic properties. By observing them on three different levels, this paper provides a brief outline of the functions of case particles.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 MundoОсновные значения беспредложного винительного падежа2015-07-22T12:29:50+02:00Natalia<p>A couple of years ago in this same journal, <em>«Un mundo, muchas miradas» </em>no. 2, we discussed the question of the meaning of Russian cases in general, a topic we consider of basic importance in learning the Russian language. This paper deals with the different meanings that can be expressed in Russian using the accusative case with the preposition «B» and without any prepositions. Students on elementary courses often choose the wrong case because they are not clear about the difference between them and the reason for using each one. This paper mentions the various meanings the accusative has apart from signifying simply the direct object in the sentence.</p>2015-07-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2015 Mundo