Tantak. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntza Aldizkaria https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak <p>Tantak is a specialized Basque journal published every six months in paper and electronic format thanks to the support of the UPV/EHU. It is especially dedicated to educators at all levels of education, as well as to students of educational degrees and postgraduate degrees. In addition to the general problems of Education and Pedagogy, it includes research on specific didactics, as well as significant work on the teaching of the Basque Country, bilingualism in education and multilingualism.</p> <p>We use the OAI-PMH<a href="https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/oai" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting)</a> interoperability protocol, which allows it to be harvested by other distribution systems, and the Dublin Core metatag standard</p> UPV/EHU Press eu-ES Tantak. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntza Aldizkaria 0214-9753 Prologue. Networking the path of inclusion: human rights, quality of education and participation https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26523 <p>.</p> Esti Amenabarro Iraola Nagore Ozerinjauregi Beldarrain Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26523 Impacting the quality of life and the inclusion of people with rare diseases and their families https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26524 <p><em>The Inkluni Research Group (UPV/EHU) has historically stood out in the field of inclusion of children and adolescents with rare diseases and their families. Its research work on the optimisation of the quality of life of these people and their families, as well as their immediate environment, stands out. In this sense, throughout its history, it has developed various projects, each with its own specific characteristics, which converge in two core ideas: on the one hand, the inclusion of people with rare diseases and their families, although an important framework for socialisation, should not be limited only to the school environment; on the other hand, this broadening of the inclusive concept requires attention focused on the other systems (health, social), beyond the education system. Likewise, this work allows for a deepening of inclusive values, both theoretically through the construction of its own corpus created from subjective experiences, and in turn, generates scenarios of deepening for the presence, participation, learning and equity of individuals with rare diseases; methodologically, self-formed research proposals based on inclusion and social justice are proposed, framed within the parameters of research action, complemented by the meaningful participation of the families of children and adolescents with rare diseases, as well as the participation of professionals from the health, educational and social fields. In addition to highlighting Inkluni's pedagogical and inclusive contribution, the work we present here aims to establish the strategic lines of research on rare diseases for the future.</em></p> Esti Amenabarro Iraola Nagore Ozerinjauregi Beldarrain Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26524 The contributions of Cooperative Learning to the Basque School Ecosystem, towards inclusion https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26525 <p>The aim of the work we present is to analyse the contributions of Cooperative Learning that has been developed since 2009, through a case study in a public Primary School in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, work that is part of the initial phase of research of the UPV/EHU "Educational Innovation and Diversity: Contribution of Cooperative Learning to the Ecosystem of Basque Schools in the Primary Education stage". This qualitative methodological research will be a pilot test to evaluate tools in which the functioning of the scripts for the dialogue and the focus group will be tested to see if any adjustments are necessary. The results include significant data from the interview and focus group on the pedagogical dimensions of the <em>Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate</em> program and the contribution of the foundations and methodology of Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate to the Basque School Ecosystem, as well as the program's contribution to inclusion and student learning. It was concluded that there is a need for complementarity of external training and self-training around the Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate and the importance of shared school leadership; highlighting the foundations of Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate (positive interdependence, equal participation, simultaneous interaction, individual responsibility, and group evaluation) and the contribution of the methodology to the Basque Schools Ecosystem.</p> Nere Amenabar Perurena Amaia Chueca Uria Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26525 Why do some middle class parents choose the Public School? The phenomenon against White flight and Euskera. A case study https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26527 <p><em>School segregation, i.e. the different distribution of pupils according to personal or social characteristics, which affects social inequality, has been identified in recent years as one of the main problems of the Basque education system. It is emphasised that one of the main reasons for the segregation of schools in the Basque Country (BC) is the possibility for parents to choose their children's school, as this enables the phenomenon of white flight (WF). However, the anti-WF phenomenon also appears in academic literature. According to this, some middle-class families choose the public school out of progressive values. We have carried out this research to see if this anti-WF phenomenon also exists in the BC. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyse the anti-WF phenomenon in the BC. In other words, using a qualitative methodology to describe the main arguments of parents in BC when choosing a school for their children, this case study was based on a population of 10,000 inhabitants with only two schools (public and subsidised). For this purpose, we interviewed parents from both schools (n=9) and used NVivo Release software to analyse the information received. The results show, on the one hand, a large number of official documents &nbsp;dealing with school inclusion and segregation in the political-administrative sphere and, on the other hand, the fact that parents from the middle socio-economic level choose public schools not only because of leftist values but also to defend the Basque language. The anti-WF movement observed in the literature appears together the attachment to the Basque language in the case of BC.</em></p> Iban Asenjo Garde Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26527 Disability from a Rights Perspective: Rights and Quality of Life of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Gipuzkoa https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26528 <p><em>the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Despite the absence of evaluations aimed at systematically assessing whether the Convention, beyond legislative developments, has translated into tangible realities for people with disabilities in Spain, various exploratory studies and reports by different local associations suggest that progress has been more evident in its proclamation than in its implementation. Considering the demand for both models and instruments capable of operationalizing the articles included in the Convention to evaluate the impact of implementing these rights, we adopt the quality of life model, following the work of several authors who advocate for its utility as a conceptual and measurement framework. Consequently, this contribution presents the results of the initial trial conducted with the GENCAT Scale. Specifically, it provides insights into the knowledge and exercise of rights among people with intellectual disabilities who are users of day care services in Gipuzkoa, based on their quality of life scores. Furthermore, we highlight the dimensions of quality of life where our sample has achieved higher scores and identify areas for improvement. The results indicate that several proclaimed rights continue to be violated. Professionals working with this population themselves acknowledge and report violations of certain rights outlined in the Convention, such as infringements on privacy and intimacy by family members, or the fact that most users have some legally limited rights</em>.</p> Irati Amunarriz Iruretagoiena Aintzane Rodriguez Poza Peio Manterola Pavo Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26528 Socio-community inclusion of persons with functional diversity in non-formal education. Case of the Mindara Association https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26526 <p>Mindara, the Gipuzkoa Association for the Care of Persons with Functional Diversity, was established in 2011. It has been offering extracurricular activities since 2013, promoting the inclusion of the collective through sports and social inclusion projects. Mindara has created a working methodology that has gone from practice to theory, with its own characteristics and proposes intervention based on a multidisciplinary working group. It is framed in a three-based teronic framework based on three pillars: the definition of functional diversity, strategies for the socio-community inclusion of the collective and and the right to inclusion of people in all spheres of life. The entity has defined the tools it uses for the inclusion of people with functional diversity. Vindicating the capacities and rights of the collective and promoting their visibility and empowerment. Mindara's experience offers 10 tips for inclusion that can be a reference for professionals in the area. The conclusions of this work proclaim the gap that Mindara occupies in inclusion, and to emphasize the obligation of the administration to guarantee the rights of the collective, because there are still major gaps in the socio-community inclusion that should be fully addressed to these persons.</p> Usoa Martinez Larraburu Erika Martinez Juan Luis Juan Luis Asensio Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26526 Second Chance Schools: more than bridges https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Tantak/article/view/26529 <p>Education is a fundamental key to ensure the social inclusion of adolescents and young people, and it is especially important to help young people who have left residential foster care to have a successful future. However, this group faces great challenges in order to achieve successful educational pathways. In this article, Second Chance Schools are presented as a resource to fight against the early dropout of young people leaving residential care, as well as a bridge to inclusion. A qualitative research methodology has been designed. Specifically, interviews were used as a data collection tool. These interviews were carried out with 22 young people who have been released from the protective measure of residential foster care, as well as with 15 professionals from the Second Chance Schools. The results suggest the existence of a series of factors that may hinder the educational itineraries and future inclusion of these young people, such as their characteristics, their social representation, their perspective on education or their participation. However, this study focuses on one of the factors that can facilitate the social and educational inclusion of this group: Second Chance Schools.</p> Aintzane Rodriguez Poza Joana Miguelena Torrado Iker Callado Iza Copyright (c) 2024 Egileak eta UPV/EHU Press 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 35 2 10.1387/tantak.26529