"Religiosos, amantes de la nación y útiles al estado". Cualidades definitorias del ciudadano guanajuatense en los inicios del sistema republicano



Published 31-10-2015
Elías Guzmán López


Guanajuato was the only one of the states of the Mexican Federation (in its republican form) that included explicitly the public education as a main objective in order to "Generate religious, lovers of the nation and useful citizens to the state". Thus this defined the desirable qualities of Guanajuato citizens, beyond the statement of the requirements for citizenship and the reasons why it could be lost or suspended within its territory. The aim of this paper is to analyze this educational goal within its political context in order to understand its meaning and importance.

How to Cite

López, E. G. (2015) “"Religiosos, amantes de la nación y útiles al estado". Cualidades definitorias del ciudadano guanajuatense en los inicios del sistema republicano”, Ariadna Histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas, (4), pp. 173–196. Available at: https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Ariadna/article/view/11324 (Accessed: 2 July 2024).
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Guanajuato, citizen, public instruction, republicanism, liberalism
