The Political Conduct of Louis XVI during the French Revolution: A Revision from the Perspective of Conceptual History



Published 31-10-2016
Pablo Facundo Escalante


The aim of the current essay will be to revisit the classical analysis made upon the political conduct maintained by Louis XVI facing the French Revolution, in order to reconsider it through the theoretical and methodological tools provided by conceptual history. The political relationships initiated between the king and the revolutionaries will be conceived outside the teleological framework that characterizes the revolutionary historiography, in order to think them as a conflict between two regimes of historicity, characterized by the contemporaneity of the noncontemporaneous [Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen]. It is expected by this way to achieve a better comprehension of the political conduct of Louis XVI, without reducing the issue to a mere matter of political voluntarism.

How to Cite

Escalante, P. F. (2016) “The Political Conduct of Louis XVI during the French Revolution: A Revision from the Perspective of Conceptual History”, Ariadna Histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas, (5), pp. 267–296. Available at: (Accessed: 18 July 2024).
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Revolución francesa, Luis XVI, historia conceptual, contemporaneidad de lo no-contemporáneo [Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen], cultura política
