Towards a Balanced Vision of Christianity in the Studies of Enlightenment and Republicanism



Published 31-10-2013
John Christian Laursen


Over the last few decades, studies of the Enlightenment or Enlightenments and of republicanism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have tended to downplay or omit altogether the role of Christianity. Whatever may be the motivations for this tendency, the result is a serious distortion of the historical record. This article reviews the evidence for making the case that most eighteenth century enlighteners conceived of themselves as Christian enlighteners, and most seventeenth and eighteenth century republicans conceived of themselves as Christian republicans.

How to Cite

Laursen, J. C. (2013) “Towards a Balanced Vision of Christianity in the Studies of Enlightenment and Republicanism”, Ariadna Histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas, (2), pp. 15–32. Available at: (Accessed: 27 September 2024).
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Enlightenment, republicanism, Christianity, eighteenth century
