Euskarazko anafora pronominala: ikuspuntu konputazionala eta corpus baten garapena



Argitaratua 2011-11-08
Itziar Aduriz Klara Ceberio Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza


This paper describes the process of annotating pronominal anaphor in a corpus of Basque which consists of 54.000 words. Our aim is to use this annotation as a basis for later computational processing. The linguistic study carried out and the criteria defined for the tagging process are also presented in the paper.

Nola aipatu

Aduriz, I., Ceberio, K., & Díaz de Ilarraza, A. (2011). Euskarazko anafora pronominala: ikuspuntu konputazionala eta corpus baten garapena. Gogoa, 5(1).
Abstract 149 | PDF Downloads 793



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