Freuden ondorioak: Psikoanalisia eta egungo zientziaren diskurtsoa



Argitaratua 2011-11-11
Mikel Plazaola


Starting off from the present situation of the intervention in Mental Health, we discuss the situation of psychoanalysis in two specific fields: the University and official Care in Mental Health. Different issues of this situation are considered with respect to the epistemology of science. With that purpose, we describe the relationship between psychoanalysis and the scientific contribution of three main trends in psychoanalysis represented by Freud, post- Freudians and Lacan.

Nola aipatu

Plazaola, M. (2011). Freuden ondorioak: Psikoanalisia eta egungo zientziaren diskurtsoa. Gogoa, 6(2).
Abstract 263 | PDF Downloads 801


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