Apuntes para una epistemología del análisis sociometafórico



Published 31-10-2015
José Carlos Fernández Ramos


Whilst between the intentions that encourage this investigation is not that these succinct notes should be taken by the definitive, unique and excluding fundamentation of the socio-metaphorical analysis, we will try, at least, to propose a firm ground —amongst other possible— for the construction of future developments, that supports and sustains theoretically and practically the research activity within a Sociology area which its explanatory fruits have already reached a sufficient significant dimension, and whose milestones have contributed in a substantial and unquestionable way to the critical clarification of the past and actual social imagery.

We will articulate this essay into two distinct sections: in the first part we will undertake the narration of the history of the concept of imagery, in the light of its genesis, development and actual significance. Afterwards we will focus our attention in the fields in which such a concept acts, allowing the reader to see how the social action can be considered as a specific type of text and how the text can be taken by a peculiar type of social action; in the second part, we will present and develop a position about the metaphor and the metaphorical phenomenon, we will review succinctly the main theoretical trends regarding metaphor that have been maintained throughout the already long-lasting existence of this concept and the latest theoretical developments of the metaphorical analysis, to conclude with the theoretical proposal that is, according to our humble opinion, the one of greater scope and outreach of the ones conducted until today in the field of Sociology of Knowledge, that is the socio-metaphorical analysis proposed by professor Emmánuel Lizcano.

How to Cite

Fernández Ramos, J. C. (2015) “Apuntes para una epistemología del análisis sociometafórico”, Ariadna Histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas, (4), pp. 11–64. Available at: https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Ariadna/article/view/13068 (Accessed: 2 July 2024).
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live, dead and zombie metaphor, social imagery, text and concept
