MERCIER, Emmanuelle; DE BOLDT, Ria; KAIRIS, Pierre-Yves (eds.): Flesh, gold and wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century



Publicado 22-06-2022
Jesús Muñiz Petralanda

Cómo citar

Muñiz Petralanda, J. (2022) «MERCIER, Emmanuelle; DE BOLDT, Ria; KAIRIS, Pierre-Yves (eds.): Flesh, gold and wood. The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century», Ars Bilduma, (12). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.23707.


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