Consideraciones conceptuales sobre la Economía Social a la luz de la Ley 5/2011
The passing of Law 5/2011 of March 29th regarding Social Economy, besides establishing a common legal framework for the group of entities subject to it, signifies, as far as the conceptual debate is concerned, an extremely important anchorage point inasmuch as it clearly defines that which should be understood and recognized as such. This article aims to design the theoretical context which has given rise to the formulation of the concept of Social Economy enshrined in the law and also to draw attention to what, in our opinion, are some of the debates which are now open with a view to the future. In this respect, the object of this article is twofold: on the one hand to present that which is formulated in the law as the synthesis of various processes of debate -both internal debates arising from the world of Social Economy itself and debates which are developed within this field through related concepts, and, on the other hand, interpret the consequences which stem from adopting a notion that is more ample than the traditional one of Social Economy. This widening of the concept could well give rise to new conceptual challenges, which have been identified in this article as opportunities and threats and which, in our opinion, should not be ignored, with a view to consolidating the concept of Social Economy.
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Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor; Villafáñez Pérez, Itziar (2020). «Euskadiko Kooperatiben Lege berria», GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social, 17, 197-224. (
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