Factor C: factores de resistencia de las microempresas cooperativas frente a la crisis y recomendaciones para un fortalecimiento cooperativo del sector de lo social



Published 01-09-2014
Fernando  Sabín Galán José Luis  Fernández Casadevante Iñigo  Bandrés de Lucas


The paper analyzes how the micro cooperatives, and specially those within the social intervention sector, are putting up with the economic crisis since its beginning in 2008, and gives some key recomendations to face the crisis in the next future.

The main results obtained are that cooperatives are facing the crisis better than other kind of companies, in number of deceases and loss of employment. The main identified factors that explain this fact are related with the property rigths and the governance structure, which allows them to have better mechanisms to face changes in market conditions. At last the paper gives some clues that we think cooperative companies have to follow to guarantee its viability in a sustained economic crisis environment.

How to Cite

Sabín Galán, F., Fernández Casadevante, J. L., & Bandrés de Lucas, I. (2014). Factor C: factores de resistencia de las microempresas cooperativas frente a la crisis y recomendaciones para un fortalecimiento cooperativo del sector de lo social. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (9). https://doi.org/10.1387/reves.12735
Abstract 244 | PDF (Español) Downloads 964

