Despido libre y gratuito de los socios trabajadores; comentarios a la Sentencia 2609/12 del TSJPV (Sala de lo Social)



Published 01-09-2014
Gotzon  Gondra Elgezabal


The recent judgment of the Labour Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country dated 30 October 2012 which affirms the previous judgment issued by the Social Chamber number 3 of Donostia-San Sebastián dated July 5 2012 supports, through the interpretation of the regional cooperative legislation, the possibility of a free mandatory leave —dismissal— of the working partners due to objective causes. This entails a comparative grievance with respect to the rights arising from the provision of partnership-related duties —working partners or work— compared to those arising from the provision of labor of an employee.


How to Cite

Gondra Elgezabal, G. (2014). Despido libre y gratuito de los socios trabajadores; comentarios a la Sentencia 2609/12 del TSJPV (Sala de lo Social). GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (9).
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Comentario de sentencia