Régimen tributario de las sociedades laborales. Propuestas de reforma



Published 01-09-2014
Irune Suberbiola Garbizu


Labour companies find their constitutional basis in Article 129.2 of the Spanish Constitution,, which obliges public authorities to encourage worker participation in companies and their access to the ownership of the means of production. Among the various measures capable of achieving this aim, imposition should an important one. The taxation of labor companies is contained in Law 4/1997, of March 24, as in several duty laws whicht underpin the Spanish tax system. This article analyzes the degree of compliance with said constitutional mandate and offers alternatives that may help in achieving the objectives that, as social economy entities are supposed, to labor societies.


How to Cite

Suberbiola Garbizu, I. (2014). Régimen tributario de las sociedades laborales. Propuestas de reforma. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (10). https://doi.org/10.1387/reves.12745
Abstract 195 | PDF (Español) Downloads 927

