Las empresas de inserción en España: ¿una oportunidad perdida?
In the last decade the number of work integration companies and jobs has been grown. After controversial steps, the State Law 44/2007 about social integration enterprises has been implemented. This paper deals with the analysis that this regulation has had on work integration companies. The results show mainly; that the currently existing model differs from the previous one and this model is away from the approaches of the social economy; the growth of work integration companies is unsustainable in the medium-long term with the consequent possibility of a bubble effect; and the model supported by the Administration is neither unique nor efficient in terms of socio-labor work integration pursued by the model itself, at least theoretically. The main contribution of value to the scientific community is obtaining results from an analysis based on scientific methods giving strength to them. In this study we highlight the doubt on the truth about many topics that are used uncritically from politics and the media in relation to this phenomenon. It also identifies interesting recommendations for all involved agents to rethink the selected work insertion companies' model. It aims to contribute both to the future sustainability of work integration enterprises, and its real integration into the Solidarity Economy.
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Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor; Villafáñez Pérez, Itziar (2020). «Euskadiko Kooperatiben Lege berria», GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social, 17, 197-224. (
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