El límite competencial del Consejo Rector frente a la Asamblea General de Socios en las Cooperativas de Vivienda



Published 02-02-2015
Ander Bilbao Zorrozua


Housing cooperatives seem to have settled as an alternative way to housing access. Opposite to private free housing and public initiative housing, the cooperative model enables its members to maintain the grip over the promotion execution process. Therefore and due to the supportive nature of this model, it is a democratic and participative diagram in which the beneficiary is not only the successful bidder, but all the society as a whole. Nevertheless, the indeterminacy of the areas of competence attributed to the different bodies that compose these communities, caused by the existing legislative loopholes, may lead to certain conflicts. For this reason, it is necessary to define some instruments or standards to fence these areas of competence in.


How to Cite

Bilbao Zorrozua, A. (2015). El límite competencial del Consejo Rector frente a la Asamblea General de Socios en las Cooperativas de Vivienda. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (11). https://doi.org/10.1387/reves.13894
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