Local development and local systems of transformative social economy: case study of Beterri-Buruntza



Published 15-12-2021
Andoni Egia Olaizola


The objective of this article is to present the creation and promotion of Local Systems of Social and Transformative Economy (LSSTE) as an alternative model of local development.

To do this, we will present the projects carried out between 2013 and 2020 at the Economic Development Plan of the Beterri-Buruntza, region of Gipuzkoa, and we will be framed within a comprehensive strategy for the construction of the Local System of Social and Transformative Economy. This strategy aims to offer a set of devices, spaces and services for the creation, incubation, consolidation and articulation of companies of social and transformative economy in the territory, as well as promote public policies that sought to create an environment conducive to the achievement of a territorial ecosystem of the SSE.

On the one hand, a theoretical formulation on LSSTE will be proposed, and on the other, we are going to debate whether or not LSSTE has been built instead of hegemonic models of Local Development as a strategy to achieve more democratic, sustainable and fair socio-economic models.

How to Cite

Egia Olaizola, A. (2021). Local development and local systems of transformative social economy: case study of Beterri-Buruntza. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (18). https://doi.org/10.1387/gizaekoa.22900
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