Popular economy and public policies during the pandemic in argentina Reflections from the case of organized street vendors
The article analyzes the main interventions aimed at workers in the popular economy, implemented in Argentina, during the pandemic. We take the case of street vendors from Buenos Aires, belonging to a social organization. We use a qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. The article shows that the implemented policies replicated intervention schemes in which salaried work has a fundamental gravitation. From this, essential and non-essential sectors of activity, modalities of intervention, resources and quality of benefits were distinguished, according to the registered - non-registered and salaried - non-salaried employment status. This scheme (re)produced inequalities in protection and access to rights and tended to place the workers of the popular economy in the space of assistance. The analysis carried out makes it possible to identify two challenges for a policy to promote the popular economy. The first is the urgency of creating new institutions that guarantee protection beyond registration and salaried status. The second is the design of labor and productive policies, taking into account the particularities of the sector and of each branch of activity, the forms of organization of the work process and the needs they have. This requires running the intervention of the assistance space to highlight its current and potential contribution to the provision of well-being of the social group.
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Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor; Villafáñez Pérez, Itziar (2020). «Euskadiko Kooperatiben Lege berria», GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social, 17, 197-224. (https://doi.org/10.1387/gizaekoa.22233).
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