La Economía Popular y Solidaria (EPS) como mecanismo de inclusión laboral para personas con discapacidad intelectual en Ecuador a través de las cooperativas.



Published 20-12-2023
Gabriela Estefanía Morejón Cabrera
Silvia Paola González Fuenmayor


In the framework of the Solidary Economy (SE) and the Popular and Solidary Economy (PSE), this research addresses, in a legal-social projective manner, the relevance of connecting this economic sector of the economy to the gradual improvement of quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities in Ecuador. This, through the creation of a service cooperative that offers soft and hard activities that allow the labour insertion of people with this type of disability and the generation of synergies in society. This would contribute to reducing social prejudices regarding the activities that people with intellectual disabilities can or cannot carry out. It is concluded that, in the Ecuadorian case, the creation of a cooperative of this type is pertinent since the Law allows it and the principles that govern the EPS promote its activity.

How to Cite

Morejón Cabrera, G. E. ., & González Fuenmayor, S. P. (2023). La Economía Popular y Solidaria (EPS) como mecanismo de inclusión laboral para personas con discapacidad intelectual en Ecuador a través de las cooperativas. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (20).
Abstract 177 | PDF (Español) Downloads 125



intellectual disabilities, insertion, inclusion, labour, Solidary Economy
