Comment on the BITARTU award: Basque Cooperative Arbitration Service- SVAC, Arbitration File 3/2003. Refund of member contributions
The purpose of this work is to analyze the arbitration award number 3/2023, issued on February 2, 2024, by BITARTU, Basque Cooperative Arbitration Service - SVAC, in which the challenge to the settlements carried out by a Cooperative Society to the plaintiffs, who demand reimbursement of the contributions they made at the time to the social capital, after their expulsion and withdrawal as cooperative members. The arbitration resolution that is analyzed partially estimates the claim filed against the cooperative and establishes the amounts that it must pay them as reimbursement of their contributions to the cooperative's social capital, within a period of five years, from the date on which that the expulsion of the plaintiffs from the cooperative occurred.
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