El régimen fiscal de las cooperativas españolas en la Unión Europea: conclusiones para las líneas de reforma del cooperativismo español



Published 04-10-2012
Sofía Arana Landín


The Commisssion's last decision concerning Spanish agricultural cooperatives had led us to a dead end. The Spanish 30-year-old tax regime for cooperatives needs a deep reform. On the one hand, we need to bear in mind what our constitution establishes as regards to cooperatives: they need to be promoted. On the other hand, this promotion needs to be in accordance to EU competition law. Thus, cannot take reforms without bearing in mind the latest state aid cases. The future Social Economy Act can help in this matter, because of its objectivity. Thus, proportionate measures taken within this future legal frame, shall not be considered to be state aids, as they cannot be considered to be selective.

How to Cite

Arana Landín, S. (2012). El régimen fiscal de las cooperativas españolas en la Unión Europea: conclusiones para las líneas de reforma del cooperativismo español. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (7). https://doi.org/10.1387/reves.6636
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