Problemática fiscal de la transformación en el seno de la Sociedad Cooperativa Europea



Published 04-10-2012
Belén Bahía Almansa


The European Cooperative Society (hereinafter SCE) is a Community entity within the cooperative business world, which can be established ex nihilo o through other derived constitutional proceedings, such as the transformation of a internal Cooperative Society into SCE.

Transformation of a Cooperative Society into SCE, as any other society transformation, constitutes a social complex operation so for the different aspects involved (commercial, tax or accounting) as the importance of the interests involved (members, creditors and third parties). The transformation is developed, as any type of transformation, through a perfectly regulated proceeding in order to all the interests involved are guaranteed. However, the transformation of Cooperative Societies into SCE arises some additional difficulties.

How to Cite

Bahía Almansa, B. (2012). Problemática fiscal de la transformación en el seno de la Sociedad Cooperativa Europea. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (7).
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