Krisia eta enpleguaren lehentasuna kooperatibetan



Published 22-04-2015
Aitor Bengoetxea Alkorta


In the face of the crisis, enterprises have different alternatives when it comes to adapting labour relations to the new realities. In this impasse in which we find ourselves, are there any significant, noteworthy differences between the measures adopted by capitalist companies and cooperatives? Qualitatively, modifying the employment conditions of workers or dismissing them are different matters. What alternatives do social economy enterprises and other enterprises that do not form part of this economic sector give priority to? In this article, we shall endeavour to draw up a comparison between the measures which, in the face of the crisis, can be adopted and those which capitalist companies and workers' cooperatives are adopting, analysing the legal regimes of each. We will compare Labour Law and the Law Governing Cooperatives regarding the regulations referring to the reform of working conditions and dismissals. The aim is to examine the attitude adopted by capitalist companies and cooperatives with respect to employment, the right to work and the principle of work stability.

How to Cite

Bengoetxea Alkorta, A. (2015). Krisia eta enpleguaren lehentasuna kooperatibetan. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social.
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