Para una Transición Energética justa, poniendo las Reparaciones en el centro. El caso del Istmo de Tehuantepec
Given the need for an energy transition in the face of the eco-social collapse of modern civilisation, this paper has looked at the practices of the energy sector from a global point of view. Based on my experiences as an engineer, I recognise that the current energy sector stands out the technical side in order to prioritise the economic aspect without weighing up the social and environmental impacts. Faced with this modus operandi, the objective of this positioned exercise, in addition to analysing the keys to incorporating social and environmental dimensions in the new energy model to be built, is to vindicate, in the face of the impacts produced by the current model, the need to not only take responsibility, but also to generate processes of reparation in order to generate reciprocal relationships. Likewise, throughout the work, power relations have been analysed in a transversal manner with the aim of making public categories and structures that generate differences between men and women, beings and the environment.
To do this, first, a theoretical contribution has been made to argue the importance of reparation in the construction of global justice. Subsequently, the accumulation by dispossession of the energy sector has been deepened to investigate the guidelines and procedures of action of the Transnational Companies with which they carry out violations of Human Rights, so that these practices can be identified and denounced in the energy transition. In this sense, the characteristics of the energy model have been analysed focusing on “renewable” technologies. Finally, delving into wind energy, the social and environmental consequences of the model investigated have been analysed through the case study of the Tehuantepec Isthmus in Mexico, focusing on the role of Basque Country companies. Finally, the voice of local actors has been incorporated to determine the appropriateness of a remediation process.
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