Pre-treatment descriptive analysis of the Programme for perpetrators of gender-based violence in alternative measures (PRIA-MA)



Published 04-03-2022
Sofía Remón Chozas


Gender violence is part of a social problem of great importance. Although the need to intervene with victims is evident, it is also important to work with men who exert any type of violence against women. This article presents the results of a pre-treatment descriptive analysis of 16 subjects sentenced to the Program for perpetrators of gender violence in alternative measures (PRIA-MA) at the “Carmela Arias y Díaz de Rábago” Social Insertion Center in A Coruña (Spain). The purpose of this program is to hold offenders responsible for their criminal behaviors to reduce the level of recidivism and improve their psychological functioning, from a gender perspective and cognitive-behavioral therapy with a positive approach. Despite treating the results with caution due to the size of the sample, thanks to the comparison with the study of this program by Pérez, Giménez-Salinas, and De Juan (2013) together with the General Secretary of Penitentiary Institutions, results are observed interesting with respect to the variables studied of the sociodemographic, criminogenic and pre-treatment crime and psychological profile of the participants.

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