About the Journal

Ariadna Histórica responds to the growing interest recently evident in the Spanish/Portuguese speaking world with regard to approaches focused upon the analysis of the social uses of language by the agents of the past. The journal will devote special attention to historical research into discourse, languages and concepts. The field of interest of this publication is not restricted, however, to these topics. Welcome to these pages will be all those contributions which, from diverse perspective– intellectual history, cultural history, political history–attribute appropriate relevance to linguistic, semantic and rhetorical factors. There will also be a place in the journal for works dealing with the appearance and transformation of the analytical tools employed by historians to classify and periodize the past.

The journal seeks to offer its readers quality articles, by both recognized authors and new researchers interested in historical semantics. Texts will be accepted in Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, Italian and German (in this latter case, the original version will be accompanied by a Spanish translation of the article in question). Preference will be given to texts related to the 18th and 19th centuries, but works will also be accepted which, beyond this chronological framework, tackle historical-conceptual themes, especially if they refer to the modern world (including contributions of a theoretical and methodological nature).

Current Issue

Published: 23-11-2024



Abstract 37 | PDF (Español) Downloads 20

Page 1-4


Presentación general

Pedro José Chacón Delgado
Abstract 44 | PDF (Español) Downloads 24

Page 5-6


Mestiçagem e temporalidade no Brasil mestiço de Sílvio Romero no final do século XIX

Maria Elisa Noronha de Sá
Abstract 57 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Page 107-131

La historia frente al surgimiento de nuevos presentes

Francine Iegelski
Abstract 83 | PDF (Español) Downloads 78

Page 167-191

Hacia una historia conceptual en términos de responsabilidad histórica

Daniel Medel Barragán
Abstract 121 | PDF (Español) Downloads 109

Page 193-217



Sobre temporalidad e historia conceptual

Pedro José Chacón Delgado
Abstract 60 | PDF (Español) Downloads 61

Page 279-291

Un historiador de la política en el corazón de las tinieblas

José Manuel Díaz Martín
Abstract 70 | PDF (Español) Downloads 81

Page 293-298


Nº 13 completo Ariadna Histórica

Abstract 39 | PDF (Español) Downloads 18

Page 0-298