Denbora kontuak. Geroari buruzko esaldiak eta iraganari buruzko ohar bat



Argitaratua 2016-02-17
Kepa Korta


In Korta (2015), I compare statements about the contingent future and what speech act theory calls commisive and directive speech acts, which also concer future events. I took their similarities to include a coincidence in direction of fit. Contrary to what speech act theory claims, I ventured that they all have world-to-words or upward () direction of fit. I think now that is not correct. All predictions do not have the same direction of fit. This paper aims at clarifying what different kinds of predictions do and do not have in common. But, it also serves as a brief public statement on my friend Xabier Arrazola, to whose memory this paper, and the entire volume, is devoted.

Nola aipatu

Korta, K. (2016). Denbora kontuak. Geroari buruzko esaldiak eta iraganari buruzko ohar bat. Gogoa, 14.
Abstract 341 | PDF Downloads 497

