Intensional uses of Euler circles for categorical syllogistics



Published 11/29/2018
Ibon Coterón


In this article I propose a pair of intensionally interpretable systems of Euler circles for categorical syllogistics that fit perfectly with the original Aristotelian system, and represent in a direct and intuitive manner the existential import that is needed for the validity of some syllogistic modes. At the same time, the original intuitiveness of the Eulerian representations for universal propositions is expanded to the representation of particular propositions, because both the crosscutting of circles and the ad hoc marking of existent entities may and will be avoided.

How to Cite

Coterón, I. (2018). Intensional uses of Euler circles for categorical syllogistics. Gogoa, 18.
Abstract 204 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 338



diagrammatic logic, categorical syllogistics, Euler circles.
