About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Historia Contemporánea is an academic journal based on original research. It embrances studies in Spanish and English including in the area of contemporary history in its different aspects and methodologies. Supports case dossiers and publishes book reviews of the specialty.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Board of Historia Contemporánea will carry out a preliminary review of the received manuscripts within a maximum period of one month from their reception, which may be rejected for not being adequate for content or presentation to the requirements of the journal.

The system of evaluation is based upon anonymous external referees, using a double-blind system (anonymous for both the referees and the author). Once one manuscript is accepted for evaluation, it will be sent at least to two referees who will inform about the text, using a specific form provided by the journal.  The referees cannot belong in any case to the journal Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board, after studying the referees' reports, will make a decision, within a maximum of six months after reception, on the publication of the manuscript. The author will receive a detailed letter with the reasons to accept, reject or ask for a revised version of the text. In all cases, the referees' reports will be attached to the letter.

The final publication of articles requiring changes will depend on the introduction of such changes in the text. The final decision on publication corresponds, in any case, to the Editorial Board.

The list of external referees will be published every two years in the last issue, with an acknowledgement note.

Open Access Policy

Historia Contemporánea is an Open Access journal which applies Creative Commons licenses (typically CC BY) to its articles. Thus, it provides immediate, unrestricted and free access to its content; users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full texts of its articles.

We subscribe to the principle of making publicly funded research freely available, in the belief that this stimulates a wider dissemination of global knowledge.

Journal History

Historia Contemporánea was born in 1988. From the beginning it welcomes studies on contemporary history of sectorial and global type. Since 1990, it appears every six months, dedicating more than half of the space to the study of a monographic theme. Over the years, the journal has been incorporating successive changes in its functioning and organization, with the quality and the opening of its editorial line as central axes. The electronic edition was launched in 2010. In 2013 he added a series of changes in different aspects: formal (updating of its external design), organizational (adjusting the structure of its editorial board) and also in the scientific field. These were substantiated in the incorporation of texts in English, and to give priority to the demands of the researchers, it was established the coexistence of the traditional structure of dossier-miscellany with that based only on free articles. Since 2018, it has become quarterly, with numbers in February, June and October. Our intention has always been to improve the journal and reinforce its role at the service of the scientific community.