From separation to unity: newspaper logistic staff in Madrid during the Second Republic and the Civil War



Published 03-09-2014
Víctor Rodríguez Infiesta


The present article examines the final years of the existence of the Asociación de cerradores y repartidores de prensa de Madrid, attached to the UGT and created in the early 20th century. This period reflects the tensions undergone by an association which grouped two very different occupations; which for some time resulted in a split into two different associations. These confrontations, along with the dispute with newsagents, show the working of, and tasks involved in, newspaper distribution networks. They also reveal information about those behind the tasks, who were essential for newspaper publication but were, in general, poorly paid. A renewed unity was only achieved with the Civil War, under the most demanding conditions imaginable. Wages were certainly raised to adapt to the increasing cost of essential products, but the scarcity of paper and other war related problems caused enormous difficulties for journalistic firms, which were interfered with or seized: the cancellation of subscriptions was even considered. Although this measure was ultimately never taken, the end of this association was near; as near as the Francoist troops.

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newspaper distribution, Madrid newspapers, associations, Unión General de Trabajadores, Second Republic, Civil War
