The Party and the City. Models of organization and membership of the underground PSUC (1963-1975)



Published 13-03-2015
Giaime Pala


Even though the bibliography on the history of the communists in Spain during the Francoism has grown notably in the last years, our knowledge of the organizational structures that every communist territorial reality was endowed with to carry out its political work is still far from being satisfactory. Which form did the communists give to their organizational structure and for which purposes did they look with it? Which way was it thought to relate to the society? And in which measure did these decisions modify the way of doing politics of the militancy? This article proposes to answer these and other questions investigating the case of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC), undoubtely the strongest communist nucleus of the country and whose organization changed radically into the two-year period 1969-1970: a vertical structure and little diversified to other decentralized and more open one. Such change allowed the party to grow quantitatively and qualitatively, to hold a closer contact with the Catalan society and to create a framework in which the militancy could act in a more creative and autonomous way than in the past.

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Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia, Spanish Communist Party, Party organization, Clandestine militancy, Catalan society
