The Preferential Agreement Between Spain and the EEC (1970) Assessed by the U.S. Administration



Published 13-03-2015
Misael Arturo López Zapico


This paper analyses the debate within the Nixon Administration about the negotiations between Spain and the EEC for the signing of a preferential agreement in 1970. For the Economic Departments the agreement could have serious consequences for the U.S. economy as it would set a precedent for the Common Market relationships with third parties. On the other hand, the Francoist Regime linked the issue to the renewal of the Spain-U.S. agreements. In the end, Henry A. Kissinger performance, acting as National Security Advisor, was crucial as he made the political matters prevail over the economic interests of the superpower.

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Political economy, Spain, Francoism, United States, Henry A. Kissinger, Common Market
