The images of the sacred or how to be a Catholic between changes and continuities (c. 1875-1931)



Published 07-07-2015
Joseba Louzao Villar


What did it mean to be a Catholic in Spain between the xix and the xx centuries? This article aims to describe spanish Catholicism from the particular perspective of the history of his spirituality, stressing the importance they had the religious images in the catholic devotions between the spanish Catholics from this two centuries in the Restoration period. This religious images shouldn´t be a simple anecdote within the religious cultural history, because they were a resource in the particular defensive modernity that defended the Catholic Church then. This religious images shouldn´t be a simple anecdote within the religious cultural history, because they were a resource in the particular defensive modernity that defended the Catholic Church in those moments. In that sense, the Catholic imagery had an impact on the daily lives of Catholics and their interpretation of the reality. In conclusion, the sacred images was a way of understanding the world.

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Sacred images, Catholicims, Spain, XIX-XX Centuries
