Elite and Republic. About the proffesional and economic elites in the Spanish republicanism during the XIX century



Published 04-02-2016
Pére Gabriel


During the six-year period, named "el Sexenio Democrático", the popular based crossclass nature of the direction and representation of republican movement (in Parliament, provincial deputations and city councils) was remarkable. Then, to have and have not a real managing elite, able to maintain a good relationship or influence the well-off social sectors, was a determinant factor on the ever limited role of progressives and federals in the political life of Restoration (Restauración) Regimen. In any case in generalized form since the eighties, the republicans retreated to a more restricted spae, situated in labour and popular world, meanwhile, men of letters of people from liberal professions took over their leadership. The recover of a certain interclass point of view, with a renewed role of urban middle classes, was a subject of the 20th Century, in a different context than the one examined here.
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