Economical and political elites in the Restoration. The diversity of the right in Navarre



Published 05-02-2016
Ángel García-Sanz Marcotegui


This article first of all gives brief description of the economic and political development of Navarre during the Restoration. Next, it outlines the distinguishing features of its economic and political elites. Accordingly, it studies the constitution of the Board of Directors in the main enterprises, banks, etc., the personality traits of the chief contributors, and establishes both to what extent they were politically active and to which political party they belonged. Furtheore, it poses some questions concerning the non-coincidence of the economic elites —progressively and preponderantly attached to the Censervative Party— with the dominant ideology —the traditionalism of Carlits and Integrits—. Lastly, the study procceds to highlight the points of similarity and difference to be found in the distinct forces of Navarre's Right during that period, and the sort of relationship that took place among themselves until converging, after the interval of Primo de Rivera's Dictatorships, on the right bloc in the Second Republic.
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