Gender, urban identity and citizen participation regarding the Eleventh of Septiember



Published 19-02-2016
Mary Nash


This essay raises the issue of the construction or urban identity, citizen participation and the historical agency of women in the context of a study of the role of women in Catalan resistance in the sieges of Barcelona and the 11th September 1714. Founded on the idea that cultural representation delimits collective identities throught images, rites and multiple symbolical mechanisms that enunciate differences and confirm them as they induce social practices, this essay underscores the absence or limited presence of women in urban discourse on Barcelona and in the myths and collective imaginary of the historical memory of the 11th of September of 1714. This study focuses on the recognition of women as historical subjects, and explores a number of aspects of the construction of historical memory, urban myths and collective imaginary from the perspectives of gener and an inclusive urban culture.
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