Historical Institucions and Political Change: the Restoration of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1977)



Published 04-10-2016
Carlos González Martínez


The reestablishment of the Generalitat has been considered as a key episode of the spanish politic during the Transition. The negotiation between Josep Tarradellas and Sánchez-Terán, in addition to the previous contacts between Goverment and Generalitat´s president and Perpiñán´s agreement with catalonian parties, have been interpreted as a reaction of a catalonian society desire during the political time which was opened after General Franco´s death. Nevertheless, until now, it has been made little effort to get a larger historic view to overtake the temporal moment of the Transition. The own Royal Decree-law 41/1977 makes reference to the decree of 1938 by which the Generalitat was revoked. We are, therefore, in front of the only one text which recognizes a republican institution, a very little studied question. In the same way, convincing explanations about why, unlike of what ocurred with the Generalitat, other republican institutions were not reestablished at the beginning of the Transition, have not been provided. We will try to answer those questions using press testimonies, Sánchez-Terán personal files, personal memories of the main catalonian politicians and interviews with some other important actors.
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Spanish Transition to democracy, Generalitat of Catalonia, Autonomies, Josep Tarradellas, Adolfo Suárez, Salvador Sánchez-Terán

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