The Death for the Fatherland in the Basque Nationalism: An Inquiry into the Actor
This paper studies the idea of the patriotic sacrifice in the Basque nationalism in the 20thcentury. The leading figure of Joseba Elosegi -symbol of the gudari (Basque soldier) ready to give his life for the fatherland- is taken as the focus of the account. It is under review the Basque nationalism's sacrificial feature from Sabino Arana's times until the Transition to Democracy. It can be concluded that the idea of patriotic sacrifice put down roots in the Basque nationalism's imaginary very powerfully and persistently due to different factors such as the religious shape of aranist nationalism, its agonizing sense of the Basque identity, the Basque nationalism's culture about Civil War and the transmission of the Civil War's memory converted into a myth. In consequence, even in the last decades of the 20th century the moderate and the radical nationalism tried hard to get the gudari's legacy, symbol of the sacrifice for the Basque fatherland.
Basque nationalism, patriotic sacrifice, Joseba Elosegi, Civil War, historical memory
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