Cortesi Connection. Vatican Policy in the Argentine Republic (1926-1936)
The government of Filippo Cortesi as Nuncio in Buenos Aires for ten years enables us to enter in the vision of the Papal curia about the development of events in Argentina during the interwar period and the implementation of various ecclesiastical strategies adopted in pursuit of their interests. The analysis of the documentation generated by the Nunciature and by the Vatican Secretary of State brings to light how the internal dynamics of the Church in the Platense Republic were conditioned by a complex and dialectical interplay that it was experienced for a corporation increasingly global and centralized.
The Ralliement policy, previously favored by Benedict XVI and by Bishop De Andrea, was replaced by the conservative revolution of Pius XI, Pietro Gasparri and Vlodimir Ledochowski, who supported the restoration of an alliance with the oligarchies in a context of liberalism's crisis, and emergence of authoritarian states. The coup of General Uriburu in September 1930 and the subsequent government of General Justo had been supported by the nuncio and his greatest ally, Santiago Copello, who was soon appointed as archbishop and extolled as cardinal. The International Eucharistic Congress held in 1934 in Buenos Aires would certify the success of that strategy to cardinal Pacelli.
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