Social Policies and Doctrinal Confluences in Spain and Italy (1938-1944/47)
This paper analyzes the work carried out by the publications issued by the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Previsiónand the Italian Istituto Nazionale (Fascista) della Previdenza Sociale, as institutions that spread a conception of public social insurance with a notorious nationalizing essence, and according to the totalitarian profile of both institutions in the proposed chronology.
The comparative study of the publications of INP and IN(F)PS reveals important similarities in discursive lines and patterns of action, in the central chronology of analysis of the text and also in the years immediately after the end of the 2nd World War, when both countries were oriented to a conception of their social insurance inspired by the ideas of William Beveridge.
Social Policies, Propaganda, Nationalization, Falangist Movement, Fascism
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