The Nation against the Facism. PSOE and SFIO, 1933-1936



Published 01-10-2020
Aurelio Martí Bataller


This article proposes a study of the socialist antifascism in Spain. In this regard, it tries to place the nation as a cultural and political reference at the centre of the analysis, and to apply a compared perspective with the case of France. This analysis focuses on the period immediately before the Civil War in Spain and takes as its main source the socialist press.

The article is developed in two large blocks, with the October Revolution of 1934 as a milestone. From then on, a confrontation for the control of the organization emerged within the PSOE. The article focuses on the study of the caballerista current, considered the left wing, which is confronted to the case of French socialism and, especially, the faction of the Bataille Socialiste, also the left wing of the SFIO. The comparison can be relevant to observe the conception of the antifascism designed by these sectors and the articulation between class and nation identities. In this way, the article aims to approach to what was beyond the motto of antifascism, what referents and ideas were in its forge and growth.

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antifascism, socialism, national identity, Spain, France

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