The Battle of Subway. Municipal Protest and Political Conflict in Madrid at the End of the Restoration



Published 01-10-2020
Santiago De Miguel Salanova


This article analyses the process of construction and the initial development of the subway system in Madrid, through the research of the several tensions and conflicts of interest that arose in the relationship of the three organisations involved in it. Firstly, the municipal government of the city; secondly, the concessionary company of the new transport; and finally, the Spanish government, which granted the first works of the underground in 1917. The aim of this paper is to understand the opposition that the City Council of Madrid showed against the initiatives and interventions made by the promoters of the subway in the urban space. In order to fulfil this purpose, we will addressed not only the formal characteristics of the claims against the company by the main municipal deputies. It will also be valued the background that all of them showed in a historical context marked by the desire for wider rights and autonomy inside the local corporation.

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Madrid, urban transportation, underground railway system, municipal government

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