The Difficult Task of Making the “Encasillado” during the Spanish Restoration
Ever since the reintroduction of the universal male suffrage in 1890 until the 1923 election, the last one of the Restoration, the ruling political parties in Spain repeatedly used a practice called “encasillado”. This gave them the control of the Parliament by assigning the seats to certain candidates even before the election had taken place. Although the “encasillado” was not new, it became the only way in which governments arranged the elections. The question here is to know whether the governmental candidates were chosen based upon their connection with the party or, on the contrary, upon their influence in the district. Thus, this article attempts to clarify this question basing its study in the province of Valencia. The matter is essential, since it will indicate up to what extent the Parliament in Spain during the Restoration was representative of the people´s will.
Encasillado, representativity, Restoration, elections, Spain, Valencia
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