The Role of Spain at the Beginning of the Algerian War (1954-1956)



Published 02-06-2021
Manuel Vidal Muñoz


Spain showed interest in the Algerian War since the beginning of the conflict on November, 1, 1954 because of the historical, geographical and cultural links between Algeria and Spain. On the other hand the Francoist government, in the middle of a struggle against France for the Moroccan protectorate, used the Algerian War as a new way to pressure the French Republic. The goal of this article is to demonstrate that the Francoism had set an Algerian policy apart from a Moroccan policy, even if both were connected in the wider framework of an arab policy. This paper analyzes the involvement of Francoism at the beginning of the Algerian War in the framework of franco-spanish relations and, at the same time, it explains the role of the United States during these first years of the war.

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Algerian War, Spain, France, Morocco, United States

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