Hispanism and Neutralism: Transnational Links between Spain and Argentina during the Great War



Published 01-06-2020
Maximiliano Fuentes Codera


Within the framework of the historiographic renovation of the studies on the Great War linked to Transnational History, this article carries out a study centered on two countries, Spain and Argentina, which remained neutral throughout the conflict. Based on the analysis of documentation from both countries, it highlights that the local disputes over neutrality were related to two transnational elements: the symbolic struggle for peace and for the future of both nations. In this development, the projection of Hispanism contributed decisively to the configuration of a neutralist and pro-Germany space shared by both countries. The elements that made it up, as shown at the end of the article, were central to the formation of the renewed Hispanism that the reactionary right-wing groups formulated in the 1920s and 1930s, also in both countries. 

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World War I, Neutralism, Spain, Argentina, Hispanism, Transnational History.

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