Defending Slavery in the Antilles during the Progressive Triennium in Barcelona
The appointment of the abolitionist David Turnbull as British Consul in Havana and the attack of the Royal Navy on the Spanish factories in Africa represented an increase in pressure against Spain, in a context in which the pro British Espartero had become the leader in Spanish politics. The article focuses on analyzing the anti-abolitionist and anti-British campaign carried out by the Tribunal de Comercio de Barcelona and the Junta de Comercio de Cataluña (also by the Junta de Comercio de Madrid), paying special attention to those who led the campaign. Other subsequent moments in which there were similar campaigns in defense of slavery in Cuba and Puerto Rico in Barcelona were also analyzed, even when slavery had disappeared from all European colonies in America, except in the Spanish Antilles.
Cuba, Barcelona, Slavery, Abolitionism, Antiabolitionism, Spain
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