Politics in its Context. Reflections on a New Cultural Approach to Politics (c. early 20th century)
This article suggests different ways to incorporate ordinary citizens’ experiences to the political history of the first decades of the 20th century. At first, the paper addresses a critical review of Spanish historiography on political cultures and suggests an anthropological definition for the concept. The author considers historians interested in political cultures should widen their scope of attention from the analysis of discourses, concepts and representations to the study of collective behaviors, lifestyles and the contexts in which people get involved in politics. Secondly, the article underlines the suitability of imposing an urban perspective to political culture. The author reflects on the new urban history and its original approaches to identity building processes. The paper highlights the fertility of this field of research and suggests its importance to achieve new narratives of political action: from everyday life, from the study of the practices and from a thick knowledge of context.
political culture, Urban History, anthropology, practices, context, common people
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