A Constitutional Throne for France: Chateaubriand and the Idea of a Liberal Monarchy



Published 01-10-2021
Armando Zerolo Durán


The Restoration in France was the testing ground for a political experiment that malfunctioned. The Revolution ended the Old Regime and opened up the possibility of a more democratic political form.

 The object of research in this essay focuses on two points. The first is Chateaubriand's personal interpretation of the constitutional principles established in the 1814 Charter granted by Louis XVIII; the second is the veiled struggle he waged with members of his party from the rostrum of the Conservative newspaper to explain to them that the Monarchy had to adapt to constitutional principles if it wanted to survive. It will be seen that Chateaubriand's proposal was much more consistent than has usually been stated and that in his writings an original political theory can be found.

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Constitutional Monarchy, Liberalism, Conservatism, Division of power, Restauration, Representation

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