Benefits and Incentives Network. The Catholic Church and Public Debt in Colombia



Published 03-10-2022
Oscar M. Granados
José Joaquín Pinto Bernal


This article studies the perpetuity nominal income as compensation mechanism devised by the Colombian State to compensate the church because of the confiscation and redemption of censos of the mid-nineteenth century. We developed this study with legislative documents, some recognition files, and applying some network science tools. As a result, we found that nominal income payments remained well into the twentieth century, which meant a cost to the national treasury. However, by involving institutions dedicated to education, health, and charity, the Colombian State regularly complied with the payments of certificates, reducing the impact of not fully covering social expenditures in various regions of the country generating a network of incentives and mutual benefits.

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Catholic church, public debt, networks, benefits, incentives

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